Friday, March 5, 2010

My First Bass Guitar Lesson

I'm a dreamer, planner, chartmaker, listlover and believe that maps are mappolicious! It's the follow-through part that I get hung up on. I'm woman enough to admit it and have worked on this quirky personality trait for years.

Fifteen years ago, I finally emerged from the happy haze of denial and looked at all the unfinished business in my life.

The years of college with no degree. I'd learn something and want to move on.
The umpteen jobs and no 401k. I'd learn something and want to move on.
The lovers without relationships. Committment...
The engagements without marriages. Committment...
The dreams of running a successful business. I might possibly do it...
The plans of successful projects. It just might work...
The many possibilities that I charted. What if I charted the wrong path...
The to-do lists. If I kept writing them, I'd never be finished...
The maps to far away places where I'd finally be happy. Happy...

My life has been plagued with insecurity and instability. As a child, my family moved so often that sometimes I changed schools more than every year! It's a wonder I can commit to a complete thought!

In December, 1997, I took my first step toward stability and follow through by marrying my husband, Rich. We are still married-thank God-and I'm still "following through."

Another step was taken in 2003, when I entered nursing school-and graduated!! AND took my NCLEX, AND have my license! It is now, 2010 and I'm still a nurse, still working and still "following through."

During this time, I've been utterly terrified of failing and fulfilling my mothers immortal words, "You'll never get anywhere on your looks and you'll never be any more than a waitress!" The responsibility of making a plan, carrying it out and finishing it was overwhelming. I could dream about it, but, to actually do it-well, I knew I would never be able.

Then I began the Royal Dayspa ministry. This is where I go to an event or home and set up a luxurious day spa and offer massages, facials, mani and pedi spas. I just go to pamper, love and help ladies heal. The main coference I attend is the Help Me Heal conferences headed up by Lynda Doty.

Last year, while praying, the Lord spoke to my heart a book entitled "Married With(out) Spouses". It was as if the outline for the book was downloaded into my mind. Weird, I know-but, true! I fought the Lord for a year until finally, I sat down during NaNoWriMo and wrote the book! I got it edited, did the rewrites and got it published!

Now, today was my first bass guitar lesson and I could not have asked for a better teacher! His name is Dana and he's going to teach me songs and playing, not music! So, I don't have to waste alot of time trying to figure out every note on a bass clef scale! JOY!!

The point is, I've been wanting to take guitar lessons for years and have finally committed to them and will be practicing "follow-through!"

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